RFID Smart Hook System is an innovative design which combines Hooks with NFC Antenna. The idea is embed NFC reader into hooks inside commercial display rack. Each NFC antenna can capture real time products information from products hung on its hook, and capable of reading tens of items concurrently.
Inside Smart Hook System, all NFC Reader will transfer relevant data to the host with the help of a Receiver (DUR300WR). Advanced Data analysis is available; therefore merchants can explore to understand information such as which products were selling fast and which were harder to sell, essentially tapping into consumers’ behaviour data. These are important commercial information for business purpose.
All RFID PCB Reader are connected to one same unit of Power Adapter. One Power Adapter can support up to 28 units of NFC reader, by using time sharing basis.

Built-in near field RFID Controller
Build-in Wireless Data Transmission to Host
Plug and Play, compatible with ISO15693 and ISO14443A NFC tag. * Helps to identify and compile analytics on presence of product and also sales versus popularity.
Each hook can identify products in real time
In and out movement from the shelf can be recorded seamlessly
Applicable for stock monitoring, customer behavioral study, stocks analytics and distribution.

Real Time Information
Each NFC SmartHook can capture Real Time products information from its Hook immediately! The system can capture product movement precisely, even if a customer removed a particular product from a hook for just few minutes, and return back to a different Hook!

The Innovations
Smart Hook System is an advance technology designed business tool comparing with conventional business model. In current business ethos, existing merchants might need to spend precious time to rearrange goods and to verify physical stocks at display racks frequently. However, with the utilization of RFID Smart Hook System, it could bring new revolution to merchants, since they can save time avoid doing calculation on display rack stocks, but at the same time can obtain useful sales analysis through customer behaviour investigation, to seize the opportunities to refill well selling goods and avoid to stock items which are harder to sell.

Timely Information
Commercial display rack is the platform where merchants openly display commercial goods to the public. Each consumer might have different interest towards different product which was hanging in the rack. After reviewing a product, a consumer may take that product for purchasing purpose or shift the product’s location randomly. SmartHook not only avoids merchants to spend valuable time to rearrange all products on the racks, it provides a platform to analyze the most popular product against stock level, sales, and also interest.