SchoolTrac uses the latest wireless sensor technologies to accurately detect the children’s movement in and out of school area. Notification messages and alerts are sent to teachers and parents in real-time to assure them of the safety and security of their children.
- Individual school children are given a SchoolTrac Tag with a unique ID. The tag doubles as a student card/photo ID cardholder and can be worn around the neck.
- The SchoolTrac readers located at school entrances automatically record the arrival and departure of school children by detecting the wireless signal from the tag.
- Parents are instantly notified of the time their children have safely entered or left the school compound via SMS or Mobile App.
- If a child is detected leaving the school area during school hours, teachers are alerted instantly so that actions can be taken promptly to mitigate any safety risk to the child. The parents will also be notified of the incident.
- School administration can automatically generate attendance report for every school children with daily arrival and departure time.

Students Entry and Exit Track and Trace
Complete Reporting for Attendance Management
Emergency Student Exit Alert
Integrated Push Notification & Message Broadcast to Parents & Guardians
System will be deployed at ZERO COST to school
Next Generation IoT Tracking for safety & security
Real-time teacher & parent alerts via push notifications
Complete attendance reporting allows schools to comply to ministry’s requirement seamlessly